Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When the Waiting Gets Hard

Waiting is always hard. 

Waiting to meet your child for the first time. 

Well, that is just PAINFUL!!! 

I am an easy going person for the most part, but when it comes to my children not so much.  We are waiting to meet our daughter.  We first saw her picture two years ago on an agency waiting list.  It has been a long road with many bumps.  We finally had our case submitted to court the last week of February.  We wait and wait and wait.  Here is where it gets the hardest.  People are getting court dates but we have not.  Do they not understand that I have been waiting for two years to meet my precious daughter?   Do they not know that her 9th birthday is the first week of June and I want to celebrate with her? 

Every moment I am awake I pray continually, "Your timing God!"  I pray that God would take away my selfishness and only desire His perfect timing.   He keeps reminding me to "be still and wait". 


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