Friday, April 8, 2011

Praise & Prayer


Late Tuesday night we received an email saying we have a court date for April 26th.  With all the rumors out there about slowdown we certainly did not expect this wonderful news.  Really, it's kinda wild because other families who where submitted to court within the same week as us have middle of May court dates.  My God is a God of miracles.  The next 30 days is kinda crazy with a major surgery and the Orphan Summit. God was perfect as always in allowing us to travel before all the craziness hits.  THANK YOU JESUS!!

We received another true miracle today.  We received our TAX REFUND!!!  Again God working.  The IRS website initially said that we would receive our tax refund on April 19th if there were no issues.  Then a few weeks ago it changed to "processing delays and refund would not be received until May 5th"  Well, I fully expected after that to see the dreaded "under review" the next time I looked.  We were really counting on that money to pay the remaining adoption fees and travel expenses.  Last night, on a whim, I checked our status on the IRS website.  I was BLOWN AWAY because it said refund will be direct deposited on April 8th.  THAT IS TODAY and it was there.  Today I was able to pay our remaining adoption fees and book our airline tickets.  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!


Obviously we would appreciate your prayers as we travel to Ethiopia to meet our daughter and attend court. 

On April 13th Faith has to have a nasty tooth pulled.  The dentist visits are very traumatic.  She has to be strapped to the table for the smallest procedure.  She has actually gotten her arms out of the restraints before.  It is not fun.  Please remember her next Wednesday.

On April 14th my mom has to have a right and left heart cath. done.  This was unexpected and just scheduled today.  BTW they are supposed to watch some of the kids while we are in Ethiopia. 

On April 18th we have IEP meetings for two kids.

On May 5th Sera has surgery to remove the extra digits on her hands and feet.  This is a major surgery and will require her to wear casts on her hands and feet for at least two weeks. 

On May 11-13 is the Orphan Summit in Louisville.  We are super excited about going.  We are a little stressed about everything else going on and Darren taking more time off work.  Please pray that God can work out those details for us. 


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