Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Now that we can share pictures of our boys I wanted to show a before and after picture of Jacob. As I shared with you before when we accepted the referral for Jacob there were a lot of unknowns about his health. For some reason he had drastically lost weight and they feared he might not make it. Blessed by the director of our adoption agency Jacob was moved from the orphanage to the transition home in Addis Ababa where he could get medical care. After seeing a doctor in Addis he was prescribed a life saving formula provided by Unicef for severely malnourished children.

Picture on the left taken in March 2008 and picture on right was taken June 2008.

As you can see this formula truly changes the quality of life for these children who are suffering from malnourishment. Due to a shortage of money and the increase in food cost Unicef and World Food Program is struggling to provide for these children. More and more children are being brought into their centers due to the drought and shortage of food. Please consider providing financially to the organizations so that they can help more children like Jacob.

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