Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Daily Schedule

Another mom whose blog I follow put out a challenge to post your daily schedule. Well I have come up with the best schedule I can come up with. But with five kids it is hard to have a regular schedule because something always happens to disrupt the schedule.

6:30 get up
6:30-7:00 kids get up (not by my choice)
7:00-8:30 eat & dress kids
8:30 (Mon, Tues & Wed) leave to take one to preschool
9:30-11:00 two little ones play together in room while I
home school oldest
Mon- 10:00-11:00 Speech Therapist comes
Wed - 10:00-11:00 Occupational Therapist comes
11:30 (Mon, Tues & Wed) leave to pick up from preschool
12:30 lunch
1:00- 2:30 if I am lucky the youngest three will nap/stay in their room while I
home school oldest & clean up before daddy gets home
3:00-5:00 kids play (usually chaos ensues)
4:00-5:00 every other Friday Physical Therapist comes
5:00-5:30 clean up for dinner
5:30 eat dinner
6:00-7:00 watch cartoons or play with daddy
7:00 get ready for bed
7:30 #1 & 2 goes to bed
8:00-8:30 #3 goes to bed
8:30-9:00 #4 & 5 go to bed
9:00- ??? Mommy time (I try to get into bed by 11:00)

We also have to squeeze in doctor appointments, playdates & other things that pop up. For example, next week we have three doctors appointments & a WIC appointment.


  1. thanks for posting! :) though you're an early riser which always makes me feel bad! LOL!

  2. Wow! What a schedule. I never realized you were members of Southland. Seth and I are also still members there even though we live in WV now. Small world. Hope you are doing well.

    Heather Bailey
