Saturday, May 31, 2008
Our children are from an area of Ethiopia that has had a history of violence due to land disputes. We found out last week that there has been an increase in violence in that region. Here is an article about the current fighting. The orphanage is in Kamashi where most families are from the Gumuz Tribe. In order for anyone from the orphanage to get to Addis Ababa they must travel through several villages of the Oromo Tribe. Right now it is very dangerous to travel the only road in and out of Kamashi. This of course is having an affect on many children's adoptions. Please pray for the Gumuz & Oromo Tribes that they can come to a peaceful resolution. Pray for the orphange staff, children, and families as they travel this road to attend court and finalize the adoptions.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Here are a few links to articles related to the food crisis in Ethiopia. In some of these articles they refer to a formula called F75 and F100. Jacob was so fortunate to be able to get this formula. I wish I could show you before and after pictures of him. Please pray that these children can get access to this formula it is truly lifesaving.

Children Starving, again, in Ethiopia (MSNBC Article)
Children Dying in Drought Stricken Ethiopia (VOA NEWS Article)
Ethiopian Millions 'risk hunger' (BBC NEWS article)

Children Starving, again, in Ethiopia (MSNBC Article)
Children Dying in Drought Stricken Ethiopia (VOA NEWS Article)
Ethiopian Millions 'risk hunger' (BBC NEWS article)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
We are almost done rearranging bedrooms. We have Miranda in her new room and she is set. The boys room is painted and furniture is in place. We got a set of full size bunkbeds with a trundle bed and three dressers. It is funny to see all three dressers lined up against the wall. The bedding should arrive tomorrow. We still need to find some storage for the toys but all in all the room is coming together. After we get the bedding I will post pictures.
On the adoption front we have had lots of ups and downs the last two weeks. Which is one reason I have not posted, too many emotions! Long story short, we are still waiting on a legal document for Jacob to be transported from Kamashi(where the orphanage is) to Addis(where court takes place). Normally, we would not think that is a big deal but in Ethiopia it seems impossible at times. Kamashi is about a 14 hour drive down not so great roads. A car has to be rented and papers have to be ready on time. The papers are finally ready but now there is a road block due to some upheavel so the car cannot get to Addis. They are hoping to get the papers to Addis on Sunday which means we can be submitted to court next week.
Please continue to pray for me to have peace knowing that God is in control and HIS timing is perfect. I am so worried about Jacobs health that I forget that God knows all and sees all. We have been told that Jacob is doing better and is gaining weight again. A family was is Ethiopia this week and took pictures. We can't wait to see them. Still no update on Gabriel, we continue to pray God's hand of protection over him and that he remains healthy.
On the adoption front we have had lots of ups and downs the last two weeks. Which is one reason I have not posted, too many emotions! Long story short, we are still waiting on a legal document for Jacob to be transported from Kamashi(where the orphanage is) to Addis(where court takes place). Normally, we would not think that is a big deal but in Ethiopia it seems impossible at times. Kamashi is about a 14 hour drive down not so great roads. A car has to be rented and papers have to be ready on time. The papers are finally ready but now there is a road block due to some upheavel so the car cannot get to Addis. They are hoping to get the papers to Addis on Sunday which means we can be submitted to court next week.
Please continue to pray for me to have peace knowing that God is in control and HIS timing is perfect. I am so worried about Jacobs health that I forget that God knows all and sees all. We have been told that Jacob is doing better and is gaining weight again. A family was is Ethiopia this week and took pictures. We can't wait to see them. Still no update on Gabriel, we continue to pray God's hand of protection over him and that he remains healthy.
The last two weeks have been very busy in the Maas household. Last weekend we had a Baby Dedication service at Church for Faith. Miranda had her spring dance recital. They did a tap dance routine to " Love Shack".

Ethan got a new car! Believe it or not but I found it at a yard sale.

We have had lots of fun outside and even found a ladybug.

Ethan got a new car! Believe it or not but I found it at a yard sale.
We have had lots of fun outside and even found a ladybug.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sorry it has been so long since I posted. We have had a lot going on around here. We have officially accepted the referral for Jacob. We also received his medical report and as of now he has a diagnosis of Failure to Thrive and Cerebral Palsy. We will not know the extent of his disability until he gets home and has a thorough medical exam. We also received a video of him which was taken in March. I will be honest it was a bit hard for me to watch, but when you look into his eyes you can see a little boy in there trying to get out. I can't wait to meet him! There has been no update on Gabriel but we are praying that he is still doing well. There are two families leaving next week to pick up there children. We are sending a package for Jacob and Gabriel with them. Please pray for their safe travel and quick adjustment for their children.
Back on the home front we have been busy getting the boys room ready. We switched Miranda and Ethan's room so that Ethan, Gabriel & Jacob could have the bigger room. Which of course meant that Darren had to repaint the rooms. Thank you Honey!
Miranda is excited about her dance recital next week. They are doing a tap routine to the song "Love Shack". She is always excited to dance on the big stage.
Nothing else to report. I have been taking lots of pictures of the kids so I will try to post some soon.
Back on the home front we have been busy getting the boys room ready. We switched Miranda and Ethan's room so that Ethan, Gabriel & Jacob could have the bigger room. Which of course meant that Darren had to repaint the rooms. Thank you Honey!
Miranda is excited about her dance recital next week. They are doing a tap routine to the song "Love Shack". She is always excited to dance on the big stage.
Nothing else to report. I have been taking lots of pictures of the kids so I will try to post some soon.
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