Friday, October 12, 2007

GOD is FAITHFUL even when we doubt

We mailed our dossier to China in February 2006. At that time, the estimated wait to be matched with a child was between six and nine months. One day in March 2006 I was standing in the kitchen, I think I was fixing lunch. I got cold chills and God said, “Your daughter was born today”. Well, I thought that was really cool and starting counting the days of how old she would be when we got our referral. As the wait got longer and longer I began to think that day in March was just wishful thinking. If she was born on that day she would be two or older before we finally got her and we had specifically requested a child younger than nine months of age. OK, skip forward to September 2007. We had decided several months ago that we felt God leading us to apply for a child with a special medical need. We had already applied for two children but were not matched with them. Of course we were very discouraged because we really felt we were following God’s lead. A new list of waiting children was released on September 11, 2007. I immediately scanned the list and found two children that fit into our age range and the type of medical need we were approved for. I printed their information out to review it with Darren but I still wasn’t content. I kept going back and looking at the picture of “Angela”. She was much older than what were had originally said we would adopt, but she kept tugging at my heart. I had to print her papers out. We did apply for three girls, including “Angela”. I couldn’t sleep at night without dreaming about her. Finally, on October 4, 2007 we got THE CALL from our adoption agency. We had been matched with “Angela”. I just fell to my knees and cried like a baby. At the time I did not make the connection back to that day in March 2006. A few days later we were on our way home from church and suddenly it all clicked. “Angela” was born on March 20, 2006. She was the little girl God told me was born in China that day in March 2006. WOW!!! I am humbled beyond words. We have given her the name Faith Xing Fu Xiang Maas.


  1. Congrats on your beautiful daughter! Our daughter is from Xinfeng as well. We traveled with 4 other families in 2004. THe pictures you have posted from Xinfeng are the pictures from our travel group's children. Our Emma is the last one on the right in the picture of the caregivers holding the babies (she's holding 2 babies) outside the SWI entrance. We sent a camera ahead of our travel date to the SWI. THe director and caregivers are wonderful! If you haven't already, join the Xinfeng Yahoo group, I'm co-moderator. Best wishes, I've flagged you as a favorite to follow your journey to the end of your red thread!
    Sue Jerue, Milford, CT

  2. I just popped in quickly after following a link from the RQ site!

    I just HAD to comment after reading this post!! I can't believe the similarities that you went through that we also went through!

    We have an April 5/2006 log in date. On MARCH 21, 2006 my husband and I both had a day where we were overwhelmed all day to pray for our little girl in China!! Neither one of us knew the other was feeling this way...till that night when one of us said... "I've just been feeling the need ALL DAY LONG to pray for her!!" The other said... "WOW...ME TOO!!!"

    My husband also thought that perhaps this was her birthdate! time got longer and longer...we realized that that most likely was not her birthdate afterall. We weren't sure WHY she was needing prayer so much that day! Then we thought perhaps it was conseption day???!!! We weren't sure!!

    One cool thing though...about 6 mths ago...we were at a concert where they had a World Vision table set up at the back. There was about 6-8 kids profiles set up on that table. My husband and I had already decided we would sponsor a child...but wanted her to be a girl (since we have 4 boys at home already!) The was only ONE girl on that table and her birthday is MARCH 21!!! How cool is that??!!!

    I LOVE your story!! I'm going to keep following along on your journey!!!


  3. I found your blog through Rumor Queen.

    Angela is so beautiful. I'm sitting at my computer bawling. I got chills reading about how God told you back in March that your daughter was born. He is truly amazing, isn't He?

    I'm mom to 2 from China and both mine were very small when placed in our arms, but once they get home and get love and proper nutrition, it's unbelievable how they progress. That will happen with your daughter too.

    She is so pretty. Congratulations to your family!


  4. Hi, I followed your link through RQ, too. I'm with the same agency and almost applied for Angela, but God led my heart more strongly to another child, though I was not matched again. I'm so glad to see Angela has been matched with her family and will be coming home soon. God bless you as you wait to meet your little Faith.

