Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My challenge to you is to send a random email or card to someone just to say, "thanks for being you". After you do, sit down, take a deep breath and say a prayer of thanks for that person. I promise it will make a world of difference in your day.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The following link is a letter written by an adoptive father explaining the ridiculousness of this policy and it's affect on our children.
Journey to My Ethiopian Child
Blurb Photo Book Contest
"Favorite Photo Ever!"
The challenge this week is your favorite close up shot. Of course I have so many favorites because they are of my beautiful children but here is the one I chose. I love this picture of Faith. It was take just 6 months after she joined our family. She is such a joy and you can see the little twinkle in her eyes.
"I am submitting this photo into the www.iheartfaces.com Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites."
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
It a been a little bit since I updated everyone on the adoption so here is the rundown.
Our dossier is in Ethiopia and we are waiting for a court date. Just a reminder about the process from here. We receive a court date hopefully for June or July. If our case passes court the first time we move on to the next step, Immigration stuff After court she will need to go in for a physical exam at the US Embassy. Normally this would not be a big deal but they have added a new test requirement. All children are now required to have a TB test before a visa will be issued. The catch is that any child that is HIV+ is required to have a more intensive TB test which could take up to 2 months to get the test results. This is a completely unfair bias against children that are HIV+. After the test results are received we can plan to travel to pick her up.
My "to do" list is getting shorter:
1. Complete Dossier (DONE)
2. Buy a 12 passenger van
3. Buy a sets of bunk beds (DONE)
4. Try to re-arrange bedrooms again (DONE)
We are still raising money for the $10,000 in travel cost. If you would like to help with these cost follow these links to Gotcha Gift Registry or Kingdom Kids Adoption Ministry