Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A time to grow

This little guy has been busy over the last 5 months.

He has learned to .....
Drink from a straw
Feed himself
Beginning to learn sign language
Climb stairs

He has learned to ....
Trust others
to be Loved
How to love

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Family = HOPE

I was made available for adoption when I was about 9 months old. 
My future was bright!

Two and a half years go by.  I am growing into a strong little boy. 
I am still hopeful that I will find my forever family.

Hope was fading.  Why haven't I been chosen? 
The orphanage began completing paperwork to declare me unadoptable
because I had become too weak and frail.

FINALLY it was my turn.  I was Chosen!

HOPE returns! 
(home 3 months)

I begin to grow and thrive.  Joy returns. 

(home 5 months)
Why Adopt? 
Family Changes Everything!
When we adopted David he weighted a little over 16 pounds at 4 years old.  He gained 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks.  Five months later and he has doubled his weight.  He has learned to walk, talk, and feed himself.   David has had no medical intervention or therapy.  The only thing we have done is feed him and love him.  Family changes everything!  Family gives HOPE!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

This is an outrage!!

My husband and I have adopted several children with disabilities.  We do have private insurance, however, as you may already know or have experienced private insurance does not provide a lot of the services children with significant needs require.   As we discovered each child’s needs we advocated for them and were able to get Kentucky State Medicaid Waivers for each of them.  These waivers provide in home services, community services, and Medicaid insurance.  Our children have had these waivers for several years now. 

Recently, at the advice of several providers, we applied for SSI for the children.   To our surprise our children’s Medicaid was immediately discontinued upon filing the SSI application.   They lost all in home services, Medicaid insurance, therapy, and medical supplies they received through the State Medicaid Waiver. 

After making many phone calls and doing research online I was informed that there is a policy that states a person cannot have an application with DCBS and SSI at the same time.  We were never informed this prior to making the application.

MS 4650 “An application for SSI pending with the SSA is also an application for Aged, Blind, or Disabled MA.  Deny any duplicate application for Aged, Blind, or Disabled MA made with DCBS”

I was also informed that this is an automatic computer generator procedure in which there is no room for interpretation.   During the time that the SSI application is being reviewed Medicaid will be discontinued.   As we all know the application process is not a quick process and could take up to 6 months or longer.  During that time our children will not have any needed services provided by Medicaid or the Medicaid Waiver.

It is my opinion that although this policy makes sense its generalized application does not.   Yes if my children were applying for SSI and Medicaid at the same time it would be a duplicate application.  However, in the case of my children they already had Medicaid.   It was NOT a duplicate application.   A service that they qualify for and have been receiving for several years has been stopped.   They can no longer receive therapy and they no longer have in home services.   We have in home medical supplies which Medicaid has been providing, which includes feeding tube supplies that will no longer be covered. 

We have since discovered other children have also lost their Medicaid due to this policy.   Something needs to change.  Where is the continuance of services?  Medicaid should not be stopped on application but should continue until SSI is approved or denied.   Please help us spread the word!