Wednesday, January 21, 2015

China Bound

I can't believe we leave in the morning!!!  Lots going through my mind right now.  Leaving my husband and children is one of the hardest things I have to do.

Here is our schedule!

Jan 24th  TOURING

Jan 26th  GOTCHA for Joshua

Jan 28th  GOTCHA for David

Feb 7th   HOME!!

If internet works well I will try to post daily about our travels!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy Family Day

One of my favorite parts of adoption is our "Family Day".  I know everyone celebrates "Gotcha Day" but I LOVE "Family Day".  So you are probably thinking, what is family day then?

Family Day is the day a new family is born at the airport.  The day when mom, dad, newly adopted children, and siblings are finally all together for the first time.  It's probably one of the most beautiful things you will see this side of Heaven.  So many raw emotions, fears, and excitement all rolled up together. 

Today is our 5 year Family Day with Grace and Sera!
We love you Grace and Sera! 
We are so blessed that you are a part of our family.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Word for 2015 is HOPE

When you tell someone they have value an amazing thing starts happening.  HOPE infiltrates every part of their life. 

God placed the word HOPE in my heart yesterday.  Immediately after a picture popped into my head.  This is my sweet Jacob when we accepted his referral 6 years ago.

This is a picture of Jacob they day we first met, four quick months after we decided to make him our son.

Do you see it?  Someone invested in Jacob.  Someone told him he had value.  He was wanted.  Jacob was given HOPE and he started to thrive. 

Now fast forward to 2014.  We saw a picture of a little boy who broke our hearts in ways we never thought possible.  A little boy who was told he had no worth. 


Then someone invested in him.  Someone told him he had value.  He was wanted.  He was given HOPE and he started to thrive.

In just 15 days I will travel to meet our two newest sons.  The first thing I will tell them is "They are wanted and they are loved". 

My word for 2015 is "HOPE".  I don't know what that is going to look like but I do know that God has placed it on my heart this year to #behope and #showhope to others.

Won't you join me?