Monday, October 13, 2014

We are adopting!!!!

We recently started the adoption process to bring home two precious boys.  I will post pictures when we get approval.   For now I will be putting ALL adoption updates on our Facebook page.  I will post our travel log to this blog though.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Boy Behind the Secret Door

Disclaimer:  This is the story of one little boy but there are an undocumented number of children living in the same conditions.   This is not isolated to one child, one orphanage or one country. 

 The Boy Behind the Secret Door

In an orphanage on the other side of the world there is a secret door.  This secret door leads to a secret room, a room that no one wants you to know about.  One day a miracle happened and the secret door was opened.  This is the story of that day.

A group of women had been working in an orphanage for several days.  Every day they would hear screaming and noise but could not locate where it was coming from.  One day they saw some children hanging out of a window and began to ask questions.  They were told “those children are crazy”, “we cannot understand what they are saying”.  The women continued to ask about the children.  God moved mountains and they were lead to the secret door.  The door was locked and held shut by intertwined red and white pieces of scrap material. 

Behind that door they found a few very malnourished children, mostly older children.  It was unclear how long they had been locked in that room or if they had ever been out of the room.  One little boy really caught their attention.  His age was unknown.  There was something about this little boy so they begged to take him out of the secret room.  Their request was granted. 

He was so fragile that his legs quivered when they tried to stand him up.  His lips were drawn and he had wrinkles like an old man.  However, to everyone’s surprise he had the sweetest smile and the most infectious laugh.  He was so hungry.  When he was fed he would lunge towards the food for more.  It was obvious he had not been getting enough food. 

The little boy will never have to return to that secret room.   He will never again be hungry.  He will now know the love of a mother and father.   I know that it is only by God’s divine intervention that our son is alive today. 

No one wants you to know about the secret doors.  They don’t want you to know about the children who are silently dying behind those doors.  However, God sees them and he loves them.  One day God will judge each person for their actions or lack thereof.  I think of those children daily and pray that they feel God’s love even in the most destitute times.