Make a Difference in ONE Life!
What is your holy discontent? What is your God-given passion on this earth? You know, that one thing that MOVES you to action, that brings you to tears, and causes you to lose sleep? We have a passion, a yearning to see justice for the fatherless!
"Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." - Isaiah 1:17
2011 Gifts of Purpose from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
It's that time of year again. Holiday music rings through your speaker systems. Decorations light up your street corners. Families gather together.It's the season of love, joy and family.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this season of giving, we often forget to give to those who NEED it most! This year give differently. Give FAMILY to the 147 million orphans worldwide who dream of belonging. Give HOPE to children living on the streets whose only Christmas wish is survival.

What if, this year, your family gave a gift to those who need it most? A gift that won't fit under the tree?
Would you consider making a difference in ONE LIFE...
- Help a child break free from gripping poverty.
- Give the love of Jesus through Christian mentors.
- Give a future to an orphan's caregiver.
This year join Lifesong for Orphans in giving a gift with purpose. A gift that will speak Jesus to a child. Introducing Lifesong's 2011 Gifts of Purpose Catalog.
NOW, for even more exciting news....
In Ethiopia, children need an education to break free from gripping poverty. Public schools are lacking, so kids are left behind without the HOPE of an education or future. Our current Lifesong school is not only giving by teaching these children about Jesus, but also feeding 350 hungry children 2 meals each day. We currently have a need to build a 12-room expansion to our existing school... please join us to make a difference in a child's life.
As of last night, we have a generous donor that has stepped up to MATCH all donations to the Ziway and Adami Tulu Schools in Ethiopia between now and December 31st... up to $130,000!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? What a GENEROUS way to make the most of your giving and bless the children and families in these communities! Let me tell you first hand, these schools NEED to be expanded... these children NEED an education... they NEED to be fed each day... they NEED to hear about Jesus! Lets give HOPE to these precious children in Ethiopia!
Would you join us in prayer as we seek to make the need known?
***You can use the link above to make a matched donation OR select any of the Hope Ethiopia options below.
Also, don't forget that you can give a gift in honor of a loved one this holiday season!***You can use the link above to make a matched donation OR select any of the Hope Ethiopia options below.
Gift of $30 cares for 2 children for 1 month.
Gift of $525 cares for 35 children for 1 month.
Gift of $1,500 furnishes one classroom.